1. Funding applications are submitted via this form: https://forms.gle/ZCoN8tZ8QCJcemAaA
  2. A Hakt DAO core contributor (someone in the Discord with a Core BOB role) will share new applications in the #new-grant-applications channel as they are submitted. This channel is private for verified BOB holders only.
  3. DAO members (members in the Discord with a Regular BOB role can participate) will discuss the application - the applicant and their request - and share their feedback.
  4. If there is interest in working with the applicant, the decision to accept or reject the application will be put to a vote via Snapshot.
  5. If the vote passes by majority rule, the applicant's proposal will be executed by the DAO.

Types of Funding

Apply for Funding

DAO Stack

How do I become a Core BOB?