Here was our thought process:

  1. So... NFTs are a thing...
  2. It'd be pretty fun to start an NFT project
  3. We don't want to just start another art NFT project (are they scams, are they not?); let's actually use them to do something useful/valuable
  4. We're pretty confident that DeFi is here to stay, and will only grow - and if that's the case, then DeFi security is extremely important
  5. Let's use NFTs to fund/promote DeFi security
  6. Shit, none of us are hackers or in the blockchain security space
  7. Let's create a DAO for those people and others who care about smart contract security - we'll start the community, create the art, and set up the infrastructure, then we'll find those people to partner/work/join us
  8. Hakt DAO

Currently, there are problems in the blockchain security / white hat hacking industry. For example, incentives aren't always aligned:

We're trying to build the community and infrastructure to fix those problems!